About the Journal

  1. Journal Title: Epistemik: Indonesian Journal of Social and Political Science
  2. Initials: Epistemik
  3. Frequency: Twice a Year
  4. Online ISSN: 2807-811X
  5. Editor in Chief: Leo Agustino
  6. Publisher: Epistemik Press

Epistemik: Indonesian Journal of Social and Political Sciences is an open access, and peer-reviewed journal. Epistemik main goal is to disseminate current and original articles from researchers and practitioners on various contemporary social and political issues, e.g.: identity politics, civil society, social movement, social development, citizenship & public management, public policy & innovation, politics & security, media, political economy, and governance & democracy. All articles have been published in Bahasa and English.

Submissions are open year-round on April and October. Before submitting, please ensure that the manuscript is in accordance with Epistemik focus and scope, written in Bahasa and English, and follows our author guidelines & manuscript template.


Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 2: Oktober, 2024
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